Application of Weighted Linear Combination Method for Vulnerability assessment of earthquake risk in Khoy City


1 Assistant Professor o University of Tabriz

2 Assistant Professor of University pf Tabriz, Faculty of Planning and Environmental Science


The outstanding characteristic of the earthquake is damage and brutal killings in little time. Close proximity to the fault of khoy in the khoy, increasing the number of areas and densely populated areas, increasing the load on the environment, Complexity and the multitude of factors in the earthquake hazard zoning and the spatial role of them make necessary applying multivariate decision maker, to determine the degree of vulnerability. The main objective of this paper is to determine the vulnerability in WLC Fuzzy method. For this purpose, multi-criteria assessment methods based on the Weighted Linear Combination used for produce and analysis of different layers of land use map، Natural and human factors influencing in Vulnerability zonation map identified and was overlaid with the land use map، Based on the WlC Fuzzy model, from the total area of 4708. 3 hectares, about 2075.4 hectares of vulnerability in areas with very low to low in the southern parts, 1680.67 hectares in the vulnerabilities average in the center and 952.23 hectares of vulnerability high to Very high in the northern and northwestern parts of the Region two. Land use map overlaps with hazard zonation map, show 288 hectares of residential use in the high to very high class risk. So, the plan to locate the temporary housing sites, Retrofit construction during the time and modify sensitive land use location to other land uses on the final map of hazard zonation map.


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